Howard Bernstein Biotech Advisor and Company Builder

Howard has over 30 years of experience in the biotech field specializing biologics, cell therapies and complex drug delivery systems, developing them from research through early and later stage regulatory filings (NDA, 510k). Most recently he was the CSO and then interim CSO and board member of SQZ Biotechnologies, growing the portfolio to multiple clinical stage candidates and eventually selling the assets to StemCell Technologies.

Howard has extensive company building experience and has served as Senior R&D and C level executives at multiple companies including Alkermes, YourBio Health and SQZ Biotechnologies. He is a prolific inventor with over 300 patents and patent applications. He was elected to the National Academy of Engineering and is a Fellow of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering.

Howard has an SM and PhD in chemical engineering from MIT and an MD from Harvard Medical School.


Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Harvard Medical School