Peter Nell Gene Engineering and BD Advisor and Company Builder

Peter is an entrepreneur with extensive experience building companies and leading them to key inflection points, including large collaboration deals and acquisitions. At Y Innovations, Peter focuses on evaluating companies for the Studios and advising on a variety of critical matters for early stage companies.

Recently, he was the CBO and Head of Therapeutics Strategy at Mammoth Biosciences where introduced the therapeutics-focused strategy, was responsible for the collaborations with Vertex and Bayer, and helped the company secure their Series C/D financing.

Peter was a co-founder of Casebia Therapeutics where he was the SVP, Head of Corporate Strategy & Business Development, and helped them through their acquisition by CRISPR Therapeutics. Prior to co-founding Casebia, Peter was at Bayer Healthcare for 16 years in various positions covering the whole drug development process from early research through commercialization. 


Stanford University

University of Freiburg

Heidelberg University

The Phillip University of Marburg