Scott Loughhead, Entrepreneur-in-Residence

Scott has over 15 years of research and development experience in immunology and cell therapy, with a track record of translating basic scientific findings into actionable data for drug development. He earned his PhD from Harvard University.

He has published in high impact journals as first author and corresponding P.I., spanning topics from basic scientific understanding, discovery research for product candidate development, to clinical data from drugs he developed. He led a large translational research department at SQZ Biotech that advanced three cell therapy vaccine programs from early preclinical research through FDA-clearance of INDs and eventually dosed patients. Scott has developed programs in industry that spanned cell-based vaccines for oncology, autoimmunity, infectious disease, to a tumor infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL) program. He is also co-inventor on 10 patent applications, highlighting the novelty and commercial utility of his work.

Scott is currently an Entrepreneur in Residence at Y Innovations, creating and advising companies through early stage research and collaboration efforts to achieve meaningful data that will translate into company value and potential clinical assets.


UC San Diego

Harvard University